Natalie Dreier, AJC, Oct 19, 2016
Researchers may be zeroing in on what triggers painful migraines.
Many migraine sufferers say the debilitating headaches are triggered by what they eat, and they could be partially right.
New research found that people with migraines have a higher level of a bacteria that is used to processed nitrates, The Guardian reported.
Nitrates are found in processed meats, leafy vegetables and some wine.
One of the study's authors said, "There is this idea out there that certain foods trigger migraines - chocolate, wine and especially foods containing nitrates. We thought that perhaps there are connections between what people are eating, their microbiomes and their experiences with migraines."
Dr. Brendan Davies said that it is medically possible.
"There's something called a hot dog headache, where nitrates are suspected to be involved. This is interesting work, but would need to be confirmed," Davies said.
About 38 million people in the U.S. have migraines, Mashable reported.
The study found that the people in the investigation with migraines have more nitrate-reducing microbes in their mouths and guts when compared to people who do not suffer the painful headaches.
The study was published in the journal mSystems.
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