In a report on health in its European Region, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that while many countries had reduced risk factors for premature death, rates of obesity, tobacco use and alcohol consumption "remain alarmingly high".
"Europeans drink and smoke more than anyone else. We are world champions - and it's not a good record," said Claudia Stein, WHO Europe's head of information, evidence, research and innovation.
She said this could have the most serious impact on young people, since their lives may be shortened unless something is done to reduce consumption of tobacco, alcohol and calories.
Just under 60 percent of people in the WHO's European region are either overweight or obese, and 30 percent use tobacco. Some 11 liters of pure alcohol is drunk per person per year.
The report found that for now, life expectancy is increasing across Europe and the region is on track for reducing premature mortality by 1.5 percent a year until 2020.
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